18th Colombian Computing Congress – 18CCC’24

At the 18th Colombian Computing Congress - 18CCC'24, we will celebrate our nation's scientific and technological advances and be inspired to continue leading the strategies that drive growth and innovation in the field of computing.


Board of Directors Colombian Computer Society (Sco2)



The Colombian Computer Congress is the annual meeting organized by the Colombian Computing Society (www.sco2.org). It is a nationally organized event with international coverage and a strong presence in Latin America. Its objective is to promote the strengthening of the Colombian community in informatics and computing, bringing together researchers, students, professionals and practitioners, both national and international.

The 18th edition of the Colombian Computer Congress (18CCC’24) will be held in the city of Manizales, Caldas, in the heart of the coffee region, between September 4 and 6, 2024, at Universidad Nacional de Colombia – Sede Manizales, coordinated by the Department of Informatics and Computing in collaboration with research groups from the campus and national and international institutions. This event aims to create a space for the exchange of ideas, techniques, methodologies, and tools with a multidisciplinary approach, promoting synergy between researchers, professionals, students, and companies related to the topics of interest of the Congress.

The event focuses on the presentation of research papers with significant contributions to knowledge or innovative experiences in different areas of computing. Among others, the congress includes keynote lectures, contributions, discussion forums, workshops, competitive programming marathon and a symposium for master’s and doctoral students, institutional and business showcase (booth during the congress).

Manuscript Submission, Review, Publication

18CCC’24 invites submissions of articles that report theoretical and/or practical results that advance the state of the art or present relevant applications or cases in the areas of the event.

  • Manuscript size, language::

    Portable Document Format (PDF)
    Full paper: 10-16 pages ( English only )
    Short paper: 6-9 pages (English, Spanish or Portuguese)
    The limit on the number of pages will be strictly observed in the admission of the manuscript to the review process.
    Poster: 1 page (English or Spanish).

  • Review Type

    Double-blind. Authors must eliminate from the initial submission all information and expressions that indicate their identity.

  • Manuscript format

    LaTEX or Microsoft Word according to guides in:

    Manuscripts whose format deviates from this specification will not be published.

  • Submission System


Closing of call for articles: June 22, 2024

Topics of interest

The main topics (but not exclusive) are:

  • Artificial intelligence
  • Biological computing
  • Computational statistics
  • Cybersecurity and information security
  • Data, information and knowledge
  • Education and ICT – e-Learning
  • Enterprise Architecture and Information Systems
  • Formal methods in computational systems
  • Green Computing
  • High Performance / Large Scale Computing
  • Human-Computer Interaction HCI
  • Industry 4.0 / Digital transformation
  • Information Technology Architectures
  • Knowledge and information management
  • Pattern recognition and computer vision
  • Quantum computing
  • Robotics
  • Software Engineering and Automation
  • Transformative Technologies and Sustainability

Virtual, augmented and mixed reality


Conference Coordinator

Prof. PhD. Luz Angela Aristizábal Quintero

Department of Informatics and Computing


Organizing Committee

Prof. PhD. Néstor Darío Duque Méndez
Prof. PhD. Valentina Tabares Morales
Prof. PhD. Ana Lorena Uribe Hurtado
Prof. PhD. Mauricio Orozco Álzate
Prof. PhD. Eduardo José Villegas Jaramillo
Prof. PhD. Leonardo Bermón Angarita
Prof. PhD. German Augusto Osorio Zuluaga
Prof. PhD. Luz Arabany Ramírez Castañeda
Prof. Mag. María Amparo Prieto Taborda
Prof. PhD. Jheimer Julián Sepúlveda López

También en el 18CCC'24

Master's and Doctoral Symposium
Master's or Ph.D. students from programs related to Informatics and Computer Science are cordially invited to submit their projects for evaluation.

The Symposium (Ir a la one page website SMD2024) is a space for students to socialize their work and receive feedback from experts in the area that may be of help for their research plans.
More information SMD2024...

Ana Lorena Uribe Hurtado
Marco Javier Suarez Baron
Competitive programming workshop
Unlock your potential in competitive programming!
Join our workshop and key strategies, problem solving and advanced techniques.
Get ready to compete and succeed in professional level challenges. Take advantage of this space to boost your programming career.
Date: September 04 to 06, 2024.
Time: 18h00 to 21h00 (UTC-5).
Face-to-face modality.
Place: classroom to be confirmed.
Eduardo José Villegas Jaramillo
Red de Programación Competitiva - RPC
Competitive programming contest
Participate in our competitive programming contest! Test your skills, register your team and solve the most problems in a challenging environment. Show your talent and gain recognition in the largest community of programmers in Latin America.
Date: September 07, 2024.
Time: 13h00 to 18h00 (UTC-5).
Mode: classroom/virtual.
Place: classroom and URL to be confirmed.
Eduardo José Villegas Jaramillo
Red de Programación Competitiva - RPC
SCo2 Ordinary General Assembly
SCo2 members!
Join the Ordinary General Assembly to learn about and celebrate the achievements of our community (See citation for ordinary general meeting SCo2).
We will recognize leaders with the Life and Work award; we will elect a new Board of Directors 2024-2025 (See statement calling for election of new board of directors SCo2)
We will announce the one selected to organize the 19CCC'25 and we will carry out the presentation of the event (See 19CCC'25 organization call).
Your participation is vital for the future of our organization and the CCC.
Date: September 5, 2024.
Time: 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. (UTC-5).
Face-to-face modality.
Location: classroom to be confirmed.
Asistente Estratégica SCo2
Asistente Administrativo SCo2
Secretario del Consejo Directivo SCo2


Explore the registration fees and discounts for the 18CCC’24!

Don’t miss the opportunity to participate in this exciting event at convenient and affordable prices.

– Authors Full. $300.000°°.

– Authors – 20% discount for Sco2 or Universidad Nacional de Colombia (UNAL) members. $280.000°°°.

– Full assistants. $250.000°°°.

– Assistants – 10% discount for Sco2 members or UNAL Community. $225.000°°°.

– Attendees – 20% discount for groups of 5 people. $200.000°°°.

– Attendees – 50% discount for UNAL students. $150.000°°°.


Universidad Nacional de Colombia - UNAL, Campus la Nubia, Manizales, Caldas, Colombia


  • Call for papers
    February 16, 2024
  • Closing of call for articles
    June 02, 2024
  • June 02, 2024
  • Notification [acceptance/rejection]
    July 24, 2024
  • Final version [accepted]
    August 04, 2024
  • Congress celebration
    September 04 to 06, 2024
  • Closing of the Master’s and Doctorate Symposium
    July 22, 2024 
  • Notification [acceptance/rejection]
    August 02, 2024
  • Competitive programming workshop
    September 04 to 06, 2024, 18h00 a 21h00
  • Competitive programming contest
    September 07, 2024.
  • SCo2 Ordinary General Assembly
    September 05, 2024.