The Colombian Computing Congress
is the annual meeting organized by the Colombian Computing Society (www.sco2.org). Its objective is to promote the strengthening of the Colombian computer science community, bringing together researchers, students and practitioners, both national and international. This year, given the restrictions of the pandemic, the congress will be held in remote format.
The organization is in charge of
the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana and is developed in an academic alliance with
Important Dates
Extended Submission Deadline:
August 27, 2021
Notification of acceptance:
September 27, 2021
Camera-Ready papers due:
October 31, 2021
15CCC Conference Celebration:
November 22-26, 2021
● Software engineering and IT architectures
● Human-Computer Interaction
● Cybersecurity and information security
● Image processing and computer vision
● Multimedia
● Artificial intelligence and robotics
● Education and ICT
● Data, Information and Knowledge
● Distributed systems and large-scale computing
● Formal methods in computer systems
Important Notes:
● All attendees, whether authors or participants, must complete the registration process, which can be done through the link Free registration.
● Articles that do not have a registered author or do not present at the congress will not be published in the proceedings: book edited by Springer for articles in English, electronic book with ISBN for articles in Spanish.
● The registration of the authors is completed once the payment is made. In the event that the administrative processes of the institutions are very long, a formal letter of payment commitment must be sent.
Inscriptions and registration
All accepted papers must be presented at the congress by one of the authors, who must be registered and enrolled in the congress. If these requirements are not met, the article will not be published. The registration prices are as follows:
● Registration without discount with a single article $180.000
● SCo2 member registration with a single article $150.000
● Registration without discount with two articles $250.000
● SCo2 member registration with two articles $220.000
Authors will receive a message with the registration instructions, in case of not receiving it, please write to the 15CCC email
The SCo2 discount applies to partners or members of SCo2 partner institutions who are up to date with their membership payment for the year 2021. The same author can present a maximum of 2 articles.
Attendees who are not authors can attend the congress free of charge if they have previously registered for the event.
The registration and payment system will be available no later than November 8.
Organizing Committee
The program committee for the evaluation of the papers in each track is made up of the members of the SCo2 chapters, which also includes the participation of external, national and international, evaluators.
●Enrique González Guerrero
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
●Mariela Josefina Curiel Huérfano
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
●Angela Cristina Carrillo Ramos
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
●Rafael Vicente Páez Méndez
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
●Leonardo Flórez Valencia
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
●Andrés Dario Moreno Barbosa
Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Colombia
●Mónica López
RENATA Red Nacional Académica de Tecnología Avanzada
●Sandra Castiblanco
RENATA Red Nacional Académica de Tecnología Avanzada
Paper Submission
All papers will be evaluated by a minimum of 3 experts, under a blind review scheme. The authors are requested to remove personal data, the acknowledgments section and any other reference that may reveal the identity of the authors. Articles that do not meet these conditions will be rejected without review.
Authors must submit an original work in any of the following categories: long papers and short papers. The first anonymous version of the paper must be submitted in PDF format. All contributions should be written following the Springer template: http://www.springer.com/la/computer-science/lncs/conference-proceedings-guidelines.
All authors must comply with ethical standards, as detailed on Springer Code of Conduct to present papers.
There is no direct submission of works in poster modality; however, depending on the number of papers, some could be accepted to be presented under a poster scheme.
The SCo2’s easychair system link to receive the submitted papers is https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=15ccc . Contributions of long papers (max. 18 pages) must be written in English, short papers (max. 12 pages) can be written in Spanish. If the maximum number of pages is exceeded, an additional charge will be generated. Only the papers presented in the conference will be published.
● Accepted short papers, either in English or Spanish,
The long papers and the best short articles will be presented in the thematic remote sessions of the conference. The other accepted papers will be presented in the poster session. The best papers presented at the conference will be invited to present extended versions in indexed journals, such as the Colombian Computing Magazine https://revistas.unab.edu.co/index.php/rcc.
During the congress, the National Symposium of Masters and Doctorates will be held. The call for works under this modality will be published on the event website after the notification of acceptance of conference papers.